– Salome Manyau –
PhD Student
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Biomedical Research and Training Institute 10 Seagrave Road Harare Zimbabwe
I am a PhD Student, currently funded for a doctoral studentship under the FIEBRE social science study, sponsored by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. The FIEBRE social science study, aims to explore the connections between fever and AMU in Zimbabwe, Malawi and Myanmar across a variety of formal and informal settings including clinics, hospitals, pharmacies, markets and homes. Based in Harare at Biomedical Research and Training Institute. I am currently working on an Ethnographic study aimed at understanding the roles of antimicrobials in the management of everyday fever in Zimbabwe.

The latest commentary on the use of antimicrobials in society.
Care-ful collaboration: reimagining ethnography in transnational global health...
In this AMIS Commentary, Alice Tompson presents reflections on the collaborative working of the Antimicrobials in Society research teams, based...
AMR Training for Social Scientists
In this Q&A, Karlijn Hofstraat and Danny de Vries tell us about their “SPECIAL-SOC AMR” curriculum, a fantastic learning resource...
AMIS Final Report
We are delighted to release our AMIS Final Report. The report summarises the key activities, findings and outputs from the...