

Anne Kveim Lie is an associate professor in medical history at the Department of Community Medicine and Global Health at the University of Oslo. Trained as a physician and intellectual historian, she has always been interested in historization: How did a disease, or a therapeutic technology come into being? Among her research areas is the history of infectious disease, and during the latest years she has in particular focused on expert policy relations in the history of antibiotic resistance. Among her recent publications in the history of antibiotics see:

  • Futures and their uses. Antibiotics and Therapeutic Revolutions, In Jeremy Greene; Elizabeth Siegel Watkins & Flurin Condrau (ed.), Therapeutic Revolutions. Pharmaceuticals and Social Change in the Twentieth Century. University of Chicago Press (With Scott Podolsky)
  • Lie, Anne Kveim (2014). Producing Standards, Producing the Nordic Region: Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing, from 1950–1970. Science in Context; 27(2), s 215- 248

Further information on Anne Kveim Lie is available on her institutional profile.