
South Africa

Lenore Manderson is Distinguished Professor of Public Health and Medical Anthropology in the School of Public Health at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, and Distinguished Visiting Professor in Environment and Society at Brown University, Providence, RI. Her work at Wits focuses on medical and public health interventions, and on technology, access and inequalities as they impact on chronic conditions. She edits the journal Medical Anthropology and a new series on medical anthropology with Rutgers University Press.

Her research on antimicrobials is a component of an ESRC project on determinants of antibiotic prescribing in primary care in South Africa, which focuses on studying patient-provider interactions in the private and public sectors, with Mylene Lagarde, LSE and Duane Blaauw, Centre for Health Policy at Wits.  The project will

explore how the interactions between providers and patients influence inappropriate antibiotic prescribing for Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in both public and private primary care settings in SA. Specific objectives are to:

  1. Explore providers’ and patients’ perceptions and experiences of antibiotic prescribing for the treatment of childhood and adult URTIs in the public and private sectors;
  2. Quantify the relative importance of clinical as well as social and economic contextual factors influencing the prescribing decisions of primary care providers for the treatment of childhood and adult URTIs;
  3. Evaluate the impact of different patient attitudes towards antibiotic prescribing on the prescribing practices of public and private providers for adult URTIs; and
  1. Evaluate the impact of financial incentives on the prescribing practices of private GPs for adult URTIs.

Further information on Lenore is available on her personal webpage.