09 Jan 2020
– Clare Chandler – London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Co-authors: – Laurie Denyer Willis –

The #SocSciAMR community is an active one – besides research, publications and online chatter, researchers have created numerous conference panels, workshops, symposia and colloquia to discuss innovative ways to address and study AMR. Attending such events can be catalytic for new ideas as well as creating coherence amongst communities of researchers – signalling what is becoming established in our understandings and framings and what is opening up for further study. Exciting as it is to witness such a volume of events, expertise and ideas, you may be left asking how to keep up? Aside from the fact that attending so many events would be itself a full-time job, we are all becoming increasingly conscious of the environmental impact of in-person participation, as well as reflecting on the ways that conference participation can exclude researchers with limited funds, caring responsibilities, disability, chronic illness, among other obstacles.

The AMIS team is therefore hosting a platform to share proceedings and abstract books from #SocSciAMR conferences, panels, workshops, symposia, colloquia etc. The hope is that this will further the reach of contributions at these events, and enable a more equitable, inclusive and sustainable access to the presentations and conversations at these events.

Submissions can be a single abstract, a whole abstract book, notes or write-ups from an event, a twitter thread, or a link to an event website or conference summary. Please send in your own materials or your notes on events you have attended, if you wish for these to be shared. These can go back in time as well as being a current reflection of ongoing activities. We are also accepting submissions for upcoming #SocSciAMR events which you wish to draw others’ attention to.

Please submit the following to AnthropologyAMR@lshtm.ac.uk:

Event title:

Event date:

Nature of the event:

Nature of the material you are submitting (you might include a photo, too):


Your name:

Your email address:

Website / twitter feed from the event:

